Stress Management

5 min readFeb 12, 2023

Author : Kavya Sri Vani Vanapalli

Have you ever had the impression that you don’t have enough time to reflect on yourself?
Do you constantly feel tense when you consider the tasks you have to
Do you ever wonder how people keep their schedules under control without becoming tense?
Are you the type of person who constantly has negative thoughts racing
through their minds?
Do you find it difficult to obtain a good night’s sleep at times?
After reading the questions above, what do you think? Most of you can
already picture yourselves in such a circumstance. Many of you may be
assuming that this conversation is about you.
If this is the case, your stress level is at its peak.

Stress is a normal reaction to feeling unable to handle particular demands or circumstances. However, if a person does not take action to control it, stress can develop into a chronic condition.

Stress can spur motivation and even be necessary for survival. The fight-or-
flight response system in the body instructs a person on when and how to react to danger. However, it can affect a person’s physical and mental health if the body is too easily activated or when there are too many stressors present at once.
The body’s natural protection against danger and predators is stress.
Hormones that prime the body to avoid or face danger are released in a rush when this happens. This is sometimes referred to as the “fight-or-flight” response.
You are emotionally exhausted if you wake up feeling exhausted and
dreading the day ahead, if you find yourself zoning out and struggling to
concentrate on anything, if your usual exercise is starting to feel like too
much effort, if you start procrastinating even small tasks that you usually do with ease, and if you are the most easily irritated and find yourself snapping at people out of nowhere.
These two terms, emotional exhaustion and stress, are interrelated. If a
person is under stress, they feel emotionally exhausted.
Consider how your day began with a tense mind and a lot of shady thoughts
running through it. And the day continues in the same way. At some point,
you will feel exhausted, and you will start getting irritated and aggressive at
every small event happening around you. You will not be able to think and
concentrate on the work. The same thoughts keep running through your
mind, and this will definitely ruin your sleep.
The levels of the hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine rise in
the body when you are under stress. These result in raised blood pressure,
greater muscle preparedness, increased sweating, and increased alertness.
Despite the fact that it might seem impossible, there are things you can do
to reduce stress at work and at home and restore control.
Your overall health is in danger if you are under a lot of stress every day.
Both your physical and mental well-being are negatively impacted by stress.
Your capacity to think clearly, work well, and have fun is reduced. It could
appear that there is nothing you can do to relieve tension.

“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to
choose one thought over another.”

―William James

In order to be happier, healthier, and more productive, effective stress
management enables you to release the grip that stress has on your life. A
balanced life with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and enjoyment is the ultimate ideal. You can achieve it by using the following suggestions for stress management:
Determine what stresses you out in your daily life.

Practice saying “no.” Know your boundaries and abide by them. To avoid
stress, don’t take on more than you can handle in your personal and
professional lives.
Avoid those who make you anxious. If that person consistently adds stress
to your life, cut down on your time spent with them or make a clean break.

Take charge of your surroundings. Turn off the TV if the evening news gives you the shakes. Take a longer, less-traveled route if traffic makes you anxious. Make a smaller to-do list. Examine your obligations, schedule, and everyday responsibilities. Put things that aren’t actually important at the bottom of the list, or get rid of them altogether if you have too much on your plate.

Avoid attempting to manage the unmanageable. There are many aspects of
life that are out of our control, particularly other people’s actions. Focus on
the things you can control, such as how you choose to respond to issues,
rather than worrying about the ones you can’t.

Express your emotions. Even if there is nothing you can do to change the
unpleasant circumstance, talking about how you feel can be quite soothing.
The last thing you probably want to do when you’re stressed out is get up
and work out.
Make time for enjoyment and rest.
If you are that kind of person who feels relaxed by listening to music, then
what are you thinking? Take a break and listen to your favourite playlist to
get rid of the stress.
Maintain equilibrium by leading a healthy lifestyle.

The issue of stress affects individuals greatly. Excessive stress leads to
exhaustion. There are numerous actions that people may take to decrease
the detrimental effects of being overstressed on their health and productivity.
You can reduce some of current stress and strengthen your ability to cope
with stress in the future by regularly practising stress management practises.

“ Finding something that complements your
lifestyle and personality will make it easier for you
to stick with it.”

ACM GITAM Visakhapatnam

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